Volar Plate Injury
What is a Volar Plate Injury?
The volar plate is a strong ligament found on the palm-side of each finger joint. Its function is to prevent the joint from being bent backwards too far. Volar plate injuries are commonly caused by a ball striking the end of the finger. When the finger is forced back by a ball the volar plate may pull away from the bone bringing a small piece of bone with it; this is called an avulsion fracture.
Signs and Symptoms of Volar Plate Injury
Pain, swelling and bruising around the injured finger joint are common signs of a volar plate injury. You may also notice a restriction in movement due to increased pain and swelling in the joint.

How is a volar Plate Injury Diagnosed?
A hand therapist can perform clinical tests to determine if the volar plate is likely to have been injured. If a volar plate injury is suspected, an x-ray is recommended.
Treatment of Volar Plate Injury
A small custom-made splint is generally applied to reduce tension on the volar plate as it heals. An important part of managing these injuries is reducing the swelling. Our hand therapists will provide compression wraps or custom-made compression stalls to reduce the swelling. Your therapist will also provide you with exercises to ensure you regain full movement of the affected finger.

Volar Plate Avulsion Fracture